Monday, December 12, 2011


photo by Big Orange Crayon
Some of our earliest shows were played at Flywheel, an all volunteer run community arts collective in Easthampton, Massachusetts.  On the rare occasion we play live, Flywheel is still our first choice of Western Massachusetts venues.

They've been around for over 12 years, but just reopened in a larger space in the old Easthampton Town Hall building on Main St in April 2010. With a small gallery and 230 person capacity room, Flywheel hosts all kinds of events, from local artists to musicians to national acts like Grass Widow, the Elephant 6 Collective and tUnE YarDs.

This year, Flywheel is looking to raise funds for a new air conditioning system, soundproofing in the space and equipment upgrades to support a community outreach project to get local teens involved in learning live mixing skills.

Wilco, Jeff Mangum, J Mascis, Thurston Moore, K Records and others have donated raffle items for  supporters.  You can check out the full list and make your contribution through PayPal on  BH supports Flywheel and so should you!